• Brian L. Troutwine's avatar
    Attempt to redress test failures. · 49311b27
    Brian L. Troutwine authored
    At this point in the work, the killer will correctly stop the
    DEFAULT_SINK in the event of overload but our friend never comes back
    up and lager stops working past this point.
    Error message:
    =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 10-Mar-2016::16:18:11 ===
         Supervisor: {local,lager_handler_watcher_sup}
         Context:    child_terminated
         Reason:     killed
         Offender:   [{pid,<0.63.0>},
    =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 10-Mar-2016::16:18:11 ===
         Supervisor: {local,lager_handler_watcher_sup}
         Context:    child_terminated
         Reason:     killed
         Offender:   [{pid,<0.59.0>},
lager_slow_backend.erl 734 Bytes