Commit 6f5bfed0 authored by Andrew Thompson's avatar Andrew Thompson
Browse files

Merge pull request #254 from Vagabond/adt-badarg-stacktrace

Improve format_reason for certain oddly formed badarg stacktraces
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+2 -0
......@@ -353,6 +353,8 @@ format_reason({badarg, [MFA,MFA2|_]}) ->
%% seems to be generated by a bad call to a BIF
["bad argument in ", format_mfa(MFA)]
format_reason({{badarg, Stack}, _}) ->
format_reason({badarg, Stack});
format_reason({{badarity, {Fun, Args}}, [MFA|_]}) ->
{arity, Arity} = lists:keyfind(arity, 1, erlang:fun_info(Fun)),
[io_lib:format("fun called with wrong arity of ~w instead of ~w in ",
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