Commit c8eed351 authored by Andrew Thompson's avatar Andrew Thompson
Browse files

Remove broken code for stripping square brackets

Showing with 5 additions and 7 deletions
+5 -7
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ print(Bin, Max, _Options) when is_binary(Bin), Max < 2 ->
{"<<...>>", 7};
print(Binary, Max, Options) when is_binary(Binary) ->
B = binary_to_list(Binary, 1, lists:min([Max, byte_size(Binary)])),
{L, Len} = case Options#print_options.lists_as_strings orelse
{Res, Length} = case Options#print_options.lists_as_strings orelse
Options#print_options.force_strings of
true ->
Depth = Options#print_options.depth,
......@@ -198,12 +198,6 @@ print(Binary, Max, Options) when is_binary(Binary) ->
_ ->
list_body(B, Max-4, dec_depth(Options), true)
{Res, Length} = case L of
[91, X, 93] ->
{X, Len-2};
X ->
{X, Len}
case Options#print_options.force_strings of
true ->
{Res, Length};
......@@ -611,6 +605,9 @@ binary_printing_test() ->
?assertEqual("<<\"hello\\fworld\">>", lists:flatten(format("~p", [<<"hello\fworld">>], 50))),
?assertEqual("<<\"hello\\vworld\">>", lists:flatten(format("~p", [<<"hello\vworld">>], 50))),
?assertEqual(" hello", lists:flatten(format("~10s", [<<"hello">>], 50))),
?assertEqual("[a]", lists:flatten(format("~s", [<<"[a]">>], 50))),
?assertEqual("[a]", lists:flatten(format("~s", [[<<"[a]">>]], 50))),
bitstring_printing_test() ->
......@@ -679,6 +676,7 @@ iolist_printing_test() ->
lists:flatten(format("~s", [[<<"123456789">>, "HellIamaniolist"]], 13))),
lists:flatten(format("~s", [[<<"123456789">>, "HellIamaniolist"]], 30))),
tuple_printing_test() ->
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