Commit d588edcb authored by Andrew Thompson's avatar Andrew Thompson
Browse files

Suppress trailing newlines on log messages

Showing with 4 additions and 4 deletions
+4 -4
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ start_ok(App, {error, Reason}) ->
log(Level, Module, Function, Line, Pid, Time, Message) ->
Timestamp = lager_util:format_time(Time),
Msg = [io_lib:format("[~p] ~p@~p:~p:~p ", [Level, Pid, Module,
Function, Line]), Message],
Function, Line]), string:strip(lists:flatten(Message), right, $\n)],
gen_event:sync_notify(lager_event, {log, lager_util:level_to_num(Level),
Timestamp, Msg}).
......@@ -55,21 +55,21 @@ log(Level, Module, Function, Line, Pid, Time, Message) ->
log(Level, Module, Function, Line, Pid, Time, Format, Args) ->
Timestamp = lager_util:format_time(Time),
Msg = [io_lib:format("[~p] ~p@~p:~p:~p ", [Level, Pid, Module,
Function, Line]), io_lib:format(Format, Args)],
Function, Line]), string:strip(lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format, Args)), right, $\n)],
gen_event:sync_notify(lager_event, {log, lager_util:level_to_num(Level),
Timestamp, Msg}).
%% @doc Manually log a message into lager without using the parse transform.
log(Level, Pid, Message) ->
Timestamp = lager_util:format_time(),
Msg = [io_lib:format("[~p] ~p ", [Level, Pid]), Message],
Msg = [io_lib:format("[~p] ~p ", [Level, Pid]), string:strip(lists:flatten(Message), right, $\n)],
gen_event:sync_notify(lager_event, {log, lager_util:level_to_num(Level),
Timestamp, Msg}).
%% @doc Manually log a message into lager without using the parse transform.
log(Level, Pid, Format, Args) ->
Timestamp = lager_util:format_time(),
Msg = [io_lib:format("[~p] ~p ", [Level, Pid]), io_lib:format(Format, Args)],
Msg = [io_lib:format("[~p] ~p ", [Level, Pid]), string:strip(lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format, Args)), right, $\n)],
gen_event:sync_notify(lager_event, {log, lager_util:level_to_num(Level),
Timestamp, Msg}).
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